The sultry heat has returned in recent days, but the sun has begun to gradually decrease, and it is around this time that I feel the sign of autumn. Who said, "Autumn of appetite." Certainly, I found a delicious raw confectionery at Eitaro Sohonbu in the Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi Main Store.
- Kuri Daifuku-
A large chestnut is round and round.
The existence of Koshian is modest, but it doesn't fit well.
When chestnut sweets begin to appear, you feel autumn.
- Mitarashidango-
I don't think it's just a fool.
I didn't know for a moment what was going on, but the bonito of "Ninben"
(I remember that it was written as "Samurai Bonito" in the showcase....)
It's covered.
It seems that this will be sold from early autumn to early spring.
Mitarashi dumplings with dashi were delicious.
The long-established taste of Nihonbashi is stable and incorrect. I recommend it to everyone with confidence.