In the early Edo period, Matsuo Basho (1644-1694), a haiku master in the Edo period, explored Shofu called "urban haikai" and flourished as an Edo school. Sanpu Sugiyama, a fish wholesaler in Nihonbashi, who was a disciple, supports both physical and mental aspects. One of the Jujutsu Shomon, Enomoto (Takarai) and his corner set up a mansion in Kayabacho, and Hajin Hayano, who studied by Buson Yosa, lived in Nihonbashi Honishi-cho, and Chuo-ku is also related to Basho. It is a place. I would like to visit Basho stone monument in the ward.
The stone monument (pictured above) is located at Nihonbashi Funasa in Nihonbashi Muromachi.
"Hakuya Matsuo Momo Aojuku Spring,"
In 1679 (1679), Basho's 36-year-old verse. According to the signboard on the side of the monument, "When I was 29 years old in 1672 (1672), Edo came out of Iga Ueno, and for eight years until 37 years old in 1680 (1680), Taro Ozawa of Odawaracho (Basho Monto, Haiku Goshaku) lived in a rented house. " The haiku title at that time was peach blue.
The stone monument (center photo) on the south side of Kameshima Bridge Nishizume in Hatchobori is located in the center of the photo.
"Chrysanthemum Blooms and Stones in Ishiya"
In the fall of 1693 (1693), a work of Basho's 50-year-old late year. Did you write the poem that chrysanthemums bloom between the stones of Ishiya facing Horiwari, saying "at Hatchobori"? This phrase is also featured in the lyrics of the illustration "Mitsuhashi" of "Edo Famous Zoukai".
The stone monument (bottom photo) was built at Hojuji Temple in front of the south gate of Tsukiji Honganji Temple.
"How many Buddhas are the beginning of Otsu-e's brush?"
On New Year's Day 4, 1691 (1691), Basho 48 years old. Otsu-e is a popular painting sold at Mii-dera Temple in Tsu, Oomi National University. It began with a abbreviated Buddhist painting for the worship of the common people, and was greeted by the world as a souvenir along the way. "(Kojien). The artist of Otsu-e says that New Year's Day was absent from work. So he wrote this phrase at the beginning of the book on the 4th. @ Akira Makibuchi