After a performance in Osaka from July 1st to July 5th and a performance in Gifu on July 7th and 8th, the performance in Tokyo began in Luteatre Ginza from July 12th to 26th.
On the left, you can see the entrance of Luteatre Ginza, and on the right, you can see the information and poster on the third floor.
This subject has been featured many times in Kabuki and other stages.
This time, Mr. Hideo Oguni
Screenplay Masafumi Saito
Director Masahiko Makino
Music Ryudo Uzaki
Performed by Fukusuke Nakamura, Baijaku Nakamura and others.
Fukusuke Nakamura plays the famous girl Kagaya Utaemon and Umewaka Nakamura plays the famous doctor Genseki Habu.
I enjoyed the music of Ryudo Uzaki, together with the co-starring of you.
Finally, I hoped that Fukusuke's dance would be seen again, but I was sorry.