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Recycling House Kazaguruma Hakozaki-cho

[Ashuan husband] October 29, 2013 09:00

I got lost in a small alley in the middle of the walk. When I saw it, there was a "recycle house", so I looked into it.DSC_2408.JPG


A lot of small posters are affixed at the entrance of the store on the second floor of the building, and there are "Yuzurisu", "Please give me" and "Sashiagesu". The notes contain furniture, sports equipment, musical instruments and various things.





When I entered the store, a lot of clothes were displayed on hangers. Stationery and small electrical appliances were lined up narrowly, and a green apron women were working busy. According to the woman, it seems that this is under the jurisdiction of the "Chuo-ku Environment Department Water and Green Division Environmental Activities Section".



















         At the recycling corner, it is a system that keeps things that are no longer needed by residents and recycles them for a fee or free of charge. I felt a comprehensive approach as a ward, saying that if you wish, you can donate to the Naka Ward Japan National Council of Social Welfare or use it as a "Chuo-ku Forest Donation". Recycling house business hours are from 9:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Sunday. I wanted to think about effectively reusing limited resources.




When I went home and examined it, I found that "Recycle House Kazaguruma" is also in Akashicho. I'm going to stop by here as well.