To commemorate the opening of the Shin Kabukiza Theater, a parade "Ginza Hanamichi" was held on the morning of the 27th at Ginza Chuo-dori, Chuo-ku, by 60 young Kabuki actors, including Tokizo Nakamura and Ebizo Ichikawa.
At the event, entitled "Century's Training," 32,000 Kabuki fans gathered and cheered in the windy light rain.
From Ginza 1-chome to just before Matsuya, if the weather was fine, the parade started at 10:00 and ended at 11:00, with the wind fluttered and the departure was greatly delayed in the light rain, and started after 10:30. The security police officers ask the audience to take the lead and fold their umbrellas. Everyone knocked on the umbrella, everyone became wet rats, and watched the start with a strong spit. The announcer was Mr. Tokumitsu.
With the signal of the fireworks, the procession started. At that moment, the rain fell down, and cheers came from the starting point to Mizuho Bank, which I waited for.
At first, the actors looked down, looked up at the heavens, walked silently, but with the rise of cheers, smiled, broken face, and saw it, the audience, a woman shed tears, The old couple raised their hands and shouted to their favorite actors.
The speed of the march is very fast, and the audience from 1-chome rushed to 2-chome to chase it, 2-chome overlaps with 1-chome, 3-chome seems to overlap with 1-chome, and the sidewalk gradually became hot There was no footstep.
The march time ended for more than 10 minutes, but everyone who supported this parade was really happy to see and support the century's "drenting".
The new Kabukiza Theater also blends well into the atmosphere of Ginza while maintaining the atmosphere of the time based on plaster.
In addition, from Higashi-Ginza Station, you can enter without an umbrella even on rainy days, making it easy for customers.
The Kabuki performance will finally begin on April 2nd.