The festival of Sumiyoshi Tsukuda-jinja Shirine
The portable shrine cruise will begin on August 1 next month.
The people of Tsukuda who came to Edo after being asked by Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Sumiyoshi-jinja Shirine, the hometown of those people's hearts.
The festival of Sumiyoshi Tsukuda, which is held only once every three years.
A real Edo festival that lasts for hundreds of years.
It's all the locals who dig out the pillars of the banner in the water, raise the pillars of the banner, and build the torii.
Old and young, men and women always pass each other somewhere.
I'm carrying a portable shrine over there and here.
All portable shrine in each town of the octagonal portable shrine Hon-portable shrine cruises.
Why don't you become a bearer of portable shrine and participate in the festival?
For more information, please ask each neighborhood association.