Akimasa Elementary School, located in Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, is a historic school. In the first place, [Reishijima Hirone Elementary School], which was founded in 1876 (Meiji 9), and [Echizen Hori Hirone Elementary School], founded in 1907 (Meiji 42), became [Akimasa Hirone Elementary School] in 1927 (Showa 4). It has roots in that it was established.
The name "Akimasa" is not based on the place name, but literally named with the hope of "bright and correct".
In addition, the attached school building is called the so-called “Reconstruction Elementary School” and was built as a reconstruction project for the school building damaged by the Great Kanto Earthquake that occurred in 1923.
It is a school building that has been popular for a long time, but in the "Chuo-ku Basic Plan 2008", the current school building will be dismantled and rebuilt from this summer as part of the three school renovation plan in the city. These initiatives have come to take place in various places and are called "renovation".
Akimasa Elementary School Renovation Plan
On this 7th (Saturday), a farewell party with the current school building was held, and it was a day to bite off the separation from the memorable school building.
This school building retains a tasteful atmosphere among the schools remaining in Chuo-ku. In particular, this area was called [Reikishi Island] in the old days, and since it was a town with the scent of Edo, it has a strong presence on the street corner that retains an old Japanese atmosphere.
Akimasa Elementary School seems to be spending a while of goodbye in the moist air during the rainy season. The bronze statue installed in front of the school building is a work called "Symbiosis" by Takeshi Hayashi. It seems to have been made in 1996. What will happen to this statue, which has been watching the growth of children?
Two years later, the school building was reborn and a new cheer echoed in the schoolyard. From there, a new history will be spun again.
We hope that elementary schools, a place for children, who are local treasures, will become even more fulfilling facilities.
More Akimasa Elementary School, in a New Era