The Indian spot-billed duck and others seen on the Sumida River Terrace in Ishikawajima Park have a total of 5 birds, 2 pairs and singles. It is not clear whether everyone has a bed on the floating island at the base of Aioi Bridge. That's because Mr. Indian spot-billed duck is dead. Today, we will deliver the daily lives of Indian spot-billed duck with the summer of Ishikawajima Park.
The red color of common sage, the flower bed in Ishikawajima Park, shines as blue on the river surface.
When the clover in Paris became white all over, Mrs. Indian spot-billed duck often took a walk if he liked it.
If you are tired after taking a walk, take a break in the shade of cherry blossoms.
After all, Mr. Indian spot-billed duck also likes the bright scenery.
Everybody doing gymnastics every day on the opposite bank at 6:30 in the morning.
Mr. grey heron is aiming for an opportunity for breakfast, but Mr. Indian spot-billed duck is still in bed dexterity.
With a good position as the runner in the morning passes, Mr. Indian spot-billed duck has nothing to spare.
I don't get along with dogs, but if I keep a distance, coexistence is okay.
Well, the day is starting today.
I would like to continue watching Mr. Indian spot-billed duck and others.