In the Edo period, "Kasho" was one of the annual events of the Shogunate, the same as Goshoku and hassaku. Daimyo and Hagimoto were all registered as castles, and about 20,000 sweets arranged in Edo Castle great hall were distributed by the generals. It is a ceremony to eat confectionery and wish for protection against misfortune.
Also in the "Toto Toshijiki"
―`` Celebrate the celebration of Kasho on the 16th, the castle of Moroho, and the good luck of good luck, (Making the rice cakes of the houses, those who are shimmering, preparing and eating with 16 sentences of Zen. I can't do it. "
The origin of "Kasho" is unknown, but "It was held in samurai and courts during the Muromachi period, and what lost with Yangyu on this day was purchased food with 16 Chinese "Kadada Tsuho" and offered it to the winners . It is said that "Ka" and "Tori" were pleased by the samurai because they lead to "win". What became the most popular during the Edo period was "Ieyasu prayed for victory before the battle of Mikataga Hara, picked up Kadada Tsuho and made a lucky charm, and Tokuro Okubo of retainer presented handmade confectionery." This rattan Goro Okubo (main water) is also known for developing Koishikawa Josui, which later develops into Kanda Josui at the order of Ieyasu, but it became a confectionery shop of the Shogunate utilizing the talent of confectionery making and became a confectionery shop for the Shogunate for generations. It is said that he was deeply involved. (Toraya's HP)
Since the Meiji era, Kasho's events have been abolished, but as you know, the National Japanese Confectionery Association has begun to hold events on this day as "Wagashi Day".
The photo shows Toraya's "Reproduction of Kasho confectionery delivered to the Imperial Palace at the end of the Edo period" (limited sale from June 14 to 16). 14 and 15 are reserved only. On the 16th, there was a store selling.) For some reason, the timing was not right every year, and the face-to-face meeting was over several years. I'm thrilled.
Time novels sometimes give sweets on "Kasho Day", but "20,000 confectionery in 500 tatami mats of great hall" "How many confectioneries manufactured?" I was expanding my imagination and delusions, such as "Isn't the daimyo secretly exchanged when the target sweets disappeared?" According to Toraya's website, "The general only gives confectionery by hand, and then leaves the back. Daimyo and Hagimoto took their own sweets. Until the second shogun Hidetada, the shogun gave confectionery himself, so his shoulders hurt for a few days. "
In addition to this "Kasho Confectionery 7 Kemori", "Kasho Manju" and "Kasho Steamed Yokan" are also sold at Toraya, so please take a look at the store. (It is said that there are some places that are not available depending on the store.)
Toraya was founded in Kyoto in the late Muromachi period. It is a long-established long-established store that does not need to be explained again. This time, the Toraya Ginza store opened in 1947. On the 2nd floor, there is also "Toraya Tea House" where you can enjoy tea while looking at Ginza Street, and shaved ice has begun.
If you receive lucky items's "Kasho Confectionery" from "protection against misfortune and Invitation", let's bet your luck on the lottery. I have a good feeling. ・・
Toraya Ginza store: Ginza 7-8-6 TEL3571-3679 10: 00-20: 00
Toraya Tea House: 11:30~19:30