If you have a business at Chuo-ku government office or have no business, try the restaurant here once!
It is operated by a company called Atable Matsuya Co., Ltd., a group of Matsuya in department stores.
Enlarged from a lot of menus. Doesn't the price interfere with the business of the surrounding shops?
White and calm atmosphere. The photo shows the inside of the shop after 1:00 pm. The plate on the wall is also fashionable.
The most expensive menu, hand-made hamburger set. That's 680 yen.
Coffee, Coke 250 yen and sandwich 350 yen. Are you a sandwichman?
On the way back, get a useful information magazine at the ward office and return.
I think it's good to read coolly at the Kyobashi Library and have a meal.