The rainy season is finally over. The intense heat is coming soon, and it is finally summer performance.
Healing water and greenery: The cool cooling effect of the waterside, the transpiration effect of trees, flowers, alley plants in the city, and the sindy effect of green shade increases the difficulty.
Continuing from the previous time, this time we will introduce the second installment of "water babbling" seen in the city.
Waterside amenity. It's a space of peace. (Left is Hamacho Kobi kid)
<Nihonbashi Falls Square> <Harumi Triton> <Mandarin Oriental Hotel>
<Hakozaki Park> <Sakamotocho Park> <Akatsuki Park>
<Hakozaki Japan IBM> <Tsukiji Xinxing Building> <St. Luke's International Hospital>
<Tsukuda Park 1> <Tsukuda Park 2> <Tsukuda River City>
<Tsukiji River Park> <Kachidoki Bridge 1> <Kachidoki Bridge 2>