After the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 ... Completed in 1929 (1929) ... 7 floors above ground and 2 floors below ground.
It was built to withstand earthquakes twice as large as the Great Kanto Earthquake.
In the main building, the Chuo Mitsui Trust Bank is currently operating, and in the basement, there is still a safe that was installed as the best safe in the East at that time.
I'd like to introduce you to the luxurious safe door.
Produced by Americusler
Circular door diameter of the safe ... 250cm thickness ... 55cm Weight: It is a special steel of 50 tons.
Alloy steel with a large expansion rate is assembled in a sandwich shape to prepare for fire.
At that time, when carrying in, permission was not granted to carry on Nihonbashi (at that time wooden) due to weight restrictions, so he carried it by boat to the side of Shin-Tokiwa Bridge and transported it to the Mitsui Main Building late at night.
The above two photos were taken in attendance with the permission of the bank after explaining the circumstances.
Thank you very much for your kindness.
The outer wall is the upper part of a large colint column.
Acanthus pattern
It is a perennial shrub with white and light red flowers blooming in June and July. It is widely distributed in the Mediterranean coastal region.
It is a collint-style architecture in ancient Greece and Rome, designed for the decoration of the stigma.