Introducing the street named Sakura-dori St. in Chuo-ku. Today, from the Bank of Japan and the Currency Museum, Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store
Introducing "Edo Sakura-dori St." to the Mitsui Main Building. The naming ceremony was held on October 10, 2005.
The stone monument with the name of this street is said to have been written by the 22th generation Danjuro Ichikawa.
About 40 Yoshino cherry tree trees are planted.
This year's flowering seems to be delayed, and it was buds on March 26 and April 2.
For a week starting April 4, visit history and culture, enjoy cherry blossoms and have a meal at a famous Nihonbashi store.
Please enjoy it. The photo below was taken on the evening of April 4th.