Among Chuo-ku, the Kachidoki, Toyomi, and Harumi districts face the sea, so you can see the deepest view of Tokyo Bay.
Large foreign ships and Japanese ships that dive down the Rainbow Bridge to reach Harumi Wharf ...
You can also enjoy the ferry arriving at Takeshiba Wharf, Hinode Wharf, Shibaura Wharf, and various ships coming from far away Japan.
The radiance of the rising sun and the beauty of the sunset are impressive.
On the left side of the Rainbow Bridge is the Shinagawa container yard.
When the whole is dyed red, coffee enriches your heart.
In the foreground is Toyomi's warehouse.
I think that the reflection of glass is that the surface of the sea glows white, but when the sun begins to rise, it spreads to the vicinity of Toyomi's warehouse and disappears as the sun rises.
In fact, it is very difficult to shoot the sunset for more beautiful.
"Sunset" in summer is said to be the most beautiful of the year and is also the "Summer Seasonal" in Haiku.
On the day when the wind blows strongly, the color change of the sky after the sun sinks is exceptional.
I feel tired while drinking beer and reflect on the day.