Summer is a ghost story...
Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan
"Iryu Kamiya, Emon Oiwa no Bakon,"
(Kuniyoshi Utagawa)
The famous face of Yotsuya Kaidan, "Hair comb", which says that if a rock with a poisonous drug, combs his hair with a comb, the hair will be sneaked ... It has the impression of "Oiwa-san = scary person", but in the first place, Iwa-san does nothing bad.
So, if you are investigating "Oiwa Inari Tamiya Shrine" in Shinkawa, Yotsuya seems to have the same name "Oiwa Inari", and it is "Yotsuya Kaidan" in the first place. So, I visited a shrine and temple related to Oiwa-san.
First, Oiwa Inari Tamiya Shrine (2-25-11 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku)
The nearest station is Hatchobori Station on the Keiyo Line and Hibiya Line.
It is located in a quiet corner facing a street where there is little traffic coming and going from Kajibashi Street. It is said that the site was owned by the first Sadanji Ichikawa.
It is said that Oiwa Inari in Yotsuya, which was described later, was burned down in a fire in 1879, and moved to this area.
This shrine hall was also destroyed by the war in 1945, but after the war it revived along with Oiwa Inari in Yotsuya, and there are currently two Inari shrines.
From here, it will no longer be Chuo-ku, but it will be Oiwa Inari Tamiya Shrine in Yotsuya (17 Samoncho, Shinjuku-ku).
The nearest station is Yotsuya 3-chome Station on the Marunouchi Line.
This is also located in a quiet residential area, just one from Gaien Street.
A description of the history of the shrine was placed on the porch of main hall.
Mr. Oiwa was a real person in the early Edo period, and was religious, and thanks to his religion, the Tamiya family flourished, but the neighbors called Yashiki-sha "Oiwa Inari" and worshiped. It seems that it began.
Next, Oiwa Inari Younji Temple (18, Shinjuku Samoncho) is very close to Oiwa Inari Tamiya Shrine and the street.
Looking at Oiwa Inari Younji Temple (a red flag in the distance) from Oiwa Inari Tamiya Shrine (a nearby red flag), it looks like this.
At Oiwa Inari Younji Temple, there was a "well on the edge of the rock".
Finally, Myogyoji Temple (4-8-28 Nishi-Sugamo, Toshima-ku)
The nearest station is Shin-Koshinzuka Station on the Toden Arakawa Line. Arrived through the Iwadori Shopping Association
I have a grave of Mr. Iwa. Everyone seems to think of Nishisugamo, and before moving to this area in 1909, Myogyoji Temple was in Yotsuya. I'm convinced.
This time, I went around the places related to Mr. Iwa and read the explanation boards of various places and felt it was the great skill as the creator of the fourth generation Nanboku Tsuruya. A person familiar with the common people of Edo at that time (Oiwa, who was also the name of Inari), the defeat of Nanji Akaho, and the shocking incidents that occurred at that time were successfully mixed to create an attractive entertainment. I've done it. And even after nearly 190 years after the premiere, the work has been a popular performance over time so that it will be staged in summer.