At Tsukiji Green Station, a temporary store opened for those who aim to recover from the Tohoku Earthquake, we opened a new store.
Following Miyagi Prefecture, the Fukushima store opened, so we immediately went shopping.
We are opening stores until next spring.
Tamagawa Village in Fukushima Prefecture is a treasure trove of tomatoes and fruits.
Among them, the fruit called "Sarunashi" is the original species of kiwi.
What a lot of vitamin C is 10 times more beautiful than lemon.
8 freshly picked peaches (Akatsuki) 2,000 yen Various vegetables from Fukushima are sold
Dry tomatoes 850 yen 100% squeezed tomato juice 1890 yen
Tomato jam 850 yen Saru no jam 850 yen
Rusk of empty core vegetables, blueberry and tomato Salt of Sarunashi, blueberry, and air core vegetables
630 yen 650 yen
Drink 126 yen Sake with a charming sweet and sour taste
Sarunashi Ponzu, Egoma Soy Sauce, Dressing Shirakawa Kogen yaki pork and clear stream pork
840 yen 1,050 yen 840 yen
100 yen of freshly picked cold cucumber Do not drink on the spot juice
126 yen
Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, bent green onions, green beans, unsaru juice
I bought a lot of things. I received it right away
The deep taste of vegetables is very delicious.
By all means, please come and go shopping.
Tsukiji Smile Market HP