This area around the Edo period was the residence of the Echizen Fukui feudal lord Matsudaira Echizen Mamoru.
The mansion was surrounded on three sides (north, west, south) by Iribori. This is called "Echizenbori".
I was there. The revetment of Echizen moat is masonry, and stone walls are still excavated from the soil.
Yes, it seems to be. The width of the moat is between 12 and 15 (about 20 to 30 m) and is used as a canal and cargo.
It seems that a small boat loaded with was passing through.
In the Meiji era, moats gradually reclaimed, and most of them were reclaimed after the Great Kanto Earthquake.
After that, it was completely buried. Today, the name "Echizenbori" is named "Echizenbori Park".
You can only see it.
In Echizen Park, a boat called ECHIZEN LINE is built as a playground equipment, and elephants are around it.
・I have dolphins and sea otters. Real SL and cars are arranged.
The origin of Reiganjima Island
In the first year of Kanei (1624), the honorary Reigan Jojin was Reigonji Temple.
It was founded, and land development began in the entire swamp.
In 1634, in the south of Terachi, Echizen Fukui feudal lord Matsudaira
Tadamasa worshiped a beach mansion of over 27,000 tsubo.
(1.2-chome, Shinkawa, Chuo-ku)