This year, "Setonoichi" (August 6-8) has started in Ningyocho. It is held between the Suitengu intersection and Ningyocho intersection. On both sidewalks of the main street, there are tenants of ceramics wholesalers.
On the first day 6th, it fell for a short time like a squall, but it rained and around 15:30 people gathered and it became usual bustle. There is also an experience course "Creating a work using a potter's wheel" which is interesting.
By the way, I picked up a teapot in Nabeshima, a mug from Arida, and a cutlet bite glass. What is the price?
20 to 30% of the price is lower than the market price. Is the fraction a negotiation? Do you have any new works?
Look for a bargain!