At Harumi Triton Square, a program named "Tsutomu Night" is held on the third Thursday of each month or irregularly. The other day, I was able to participate in this "Night Tsutomu" and spend a meaningful time.
↓Click to enlarge
The guide in the figure above states, "We will support the business life of those who work at Harumi Triton Square!", But those who are not working at Harumi Triton Square can also participate. Participation is free.
(It seems that it would be better to make a reservation early because it will be full soon.)
Contents of 2013 held (quoted from the PDF file of the guide)↓
- Thursday, January 17 “How to Create a Global Career” Lecturer: Yoko Ishikura Professor, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University
- Thursday, February 21 "First Impression of Success" Lecturer: Miyuki Shigeta Impression critic and impression trainer
- Tuesday, March 17 “The essential subject for businessmen is“ How to prepare mind ”” Lecturer: Kenichiro Mogi Brain Scientist
Harumi Triton Square Official Website
In addition to this "Night Tsutomu", "Harumi Walking Rally" and various workshops are held.
Train, city bus, car:
Harumi Liner (bus):