"Hamarikyu Onshi Garden" is a garden filled with seawater. The Shiba Rikyu Onshi Garden in the neighboring Hamamatsucho is a groundwater garden.
It was made more than 400 years ago at the time of Tokugawa's sixth shogun Ienobu Tokugawa.
We took a walk in the garden. Japanese iris is beautiful. And hydrangea is wonderful.
He walks leisurely in the garden, but it seems that there are 250,000 m2, but it is large and spacious.
Beyond the pond, you can see "Conrad Tokyo".
Crossing the edge of the pond, going to the dock, the dock here, and the place where the 15th Shogun Yoshinobu Tokugawa fled and landed from Kyoto by boat. A ship from the Sumida River came in.
The buildings in the back are Toyomi and Kachidoki buildings.
Cross the pond. There is Tokyo Tower's condominium far over there.
To the left front of the entrance, a large pine is called the "300-year pine".
Just a nearby pine is in the middle of pruning. This big pine is also pruned and beautiful.
Please come to "Hamarikyu Garden" by all means.