In the Edo period, the Hamarikyu Onshi Garden became a detached palace managed by the Imperial Household Ministry after the Meiji era from the garden of the lower house of the Kofu clan to the villa of the Shogun family, Hama Goten, and was subsequently given to Tokyo as a metropolitan park.
Last month, the restoration of the third Ochiyaya was completed in the park.
It's Ochiyaya of Tsubame.
Tsubame's Ochiya is one of the Ochiyayas in the era of the eleventh Shogun Ienari Tokugawa, and it is said that the name comes from the fact that the nail-hiding hardware was shaped like a swallow.
The roof is made of Japanese Spanish mackerel wood overlaid.
Hamarikyu is currently restoring the teahouses in the garden.
Restoration of "Ochiya of Nakajima" in 1983 and "Matsuno Ochiya" in 2010.
It seems that "Taka no Ochiya" will also be restored by 2017.
It is said that the guest facility "Enryokan", which was located in the latter half of the 19th century, will be restored by 2020 and will be used as a guest facility in the capital.
On a sunny day between the rainy season, it was pleasant to stroll through the spacious garden while watching black bream and mullet swimming in the pond.