At Sumiyoshi-jinja Shirine, enshrined at Tsukuda 1-chome, a festival is held once every three years.
This year is the third year's festival, and from August 1st to 3rd, each town has been in operation.
The sound of the music is also light.
Tsukuda Shin Tsukuda Tsukishima Ichi, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Toyomi Kachidoki and Harumi are dozens of horses all day long portable shrine
I went around.
On the Sumida River, there is also a ship imperial procession and the head office of the octagonal portable shrine.
We went around each town lively.
Tsukuda Hon.: At Tsukuda 1-chome,
Six banners turned toward Edo Castle.
At night, the houses were lit with Japanese lantern during the Edo period.
I think I've slipped back in time.