"Tetsuko's Room Exhibition" is being held at Nihonbashi Takashimaya.
The period is from Wednesday, August 26 to Monday, September 7.
"Tetsuko's Room" started broadcasting in 1976. This exhibition commemorates 10,000 times () in the 40th year () of the program.
At the venue, the names and photographs of Showa and Heisei actors, singers, talents, and athletes who appeared in the "Tetsuko's Room" lined up, and many people were watching old days.
By the way, this picture (pictured) is made of a very small photo of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi (a spot where you can take photos)
"Tetsuko's Room" was certified by Guinness in 2011 as a record of the number of broadcasts of programs by the same moderator.
In the 8th floor hall of the venue, Nihonbashi Takashimaya, costumes and accessories actually used in the program were exhibited, and studio sets and backstage were reproduced.
The venue was large, and there was also a room where you could sit and watch the images of old performers.
Also, when the visitors stood in front of the mirror, there was also a photo shoot spot where Kuroyanagi's trademark "Onion Hair" was on his head and wearing costumes worn by Kuroyanagi, so I enjoyed it.
Click here for the website of "Tetsuko's Room Exhibition" at Nihonbashi Takashimaya. ⇒