One of the events of the whole museum 2015.
Ting Ting Pong Pong (OM CHAN TONE)
Held at OM CHAN TONE in Kishi Building 4-11 Nihonbashi Tomizawacho.
I visited the shop for the first time in a cafe bar, but when I was kind to respond and asked why rare Awa Tokushima liquor was there, it was a talk with my hometown.
I ordered a soft drink and enjoyed "Kendama" with the lady who just came.
A good word was written on Kendama that was presented by the chairman of the Kendama Association, so I will introduce it.
"I don't panic, don't give up."
When I heard the story, the women also introduced the whole museum at the museum.
<The topic "Professional Support Group", Pompon Musume, is coming to the whole museum in Chuo-ku! On the spot, if you tell us what you want to support, Pompon Musume will support you with all your might! ・・・>I heard you came here after seeing it.
The lady went up to the second floor with support.
I also filled out my name and "what I want you to support" on the application form and waited for a while.
It responds individually to each visitor's "what you want to support". It's like a doctor. When I was called and sat on the sofa on the second floor, four
very energetic
s rushed in.
First of all, starting with an ale saying, "Celebrate Ginzo's more health-", like support for high school baseball, Zhanjiang Cha
cha Chacha Chacha Chacha Chacha Chacha, Zhanjiang Chacha Chacha Chacha Cha
cha, Chacha Chacha Chachara
cha, and
cheer dance. Was.
Despite being overwhelmed, I was radiated a lot of energy, and I was completely fine. After the support was over,
four people
a gate
and sent it off.
Everyone, when you feel blocked, it's a good idea to go to Pompon's daughter. I'm going to get better.
It is a silver made that has become a fan of Ting Pong Pong. OM CHAN TONE, please plan again next year.
It seems that Pompon Musume is not stationed, but the telephone at the shop is 03-6206-2626, URL: