The Hamarikyu Garden is dotted with two duckba, Koshindo Kamoba and Niiza Kamoba, a pond with tide, and Uchibori.
At this time, you can enjoy watching the duck, a representative of winter birds, from the "Oden Bridge" of the tide pond, the bench on the pond, and the "Omoto pool" at Kamoba (upper right). You can enjoy it.
The duck is a bird of the family duck. It is also called cancer ducks and contains cancers and swans.
Freshwater ducks (high in freshwater and baiting water. Flying directly from the surface of the water.) And diving ducks (other than tufted duck and Hoshihajiro, there are many in the sea and sea ducks. Diving foraging. The position of the foot is close to the butt is sinking. Sliding and flying. ) Will be roughly divided into.
Ducks generally breed in summer and cold regions, males are said to return to beautiful reproductive feathers from autumn to winter, and form a turn in wintering areas, making it easier to distinguish.
For example, mallard has a glossy green head like a metal, and may look purple depending on how light hits it.
(Indian spot-billed duck is a resident bird, male and female, all year round, brownish, plain feather color. The yellow at the tip of the beak is the identification point.
Females have a similar brownish and plain color, but in winter it can be distinguished from being a male of the same species and acting together.
In the case of females only, the body shape, beak color, wings pattern, etc. are the identification points.
Surface-based ducks feed in the water into their mouths with water, throw away water, strain the food, and eat it.
Diving ducks hide in the water and eat fish, shellfish and shrimp.
It is a great place to get in touch with wild birds and get close to nature in such a familiar place.
From the left, mallard, green-winged teal, northern pintail, and Eurasian wigeon.
From the left, northern shoveler (fresh duck), tufted duck Hoshihajiro (diving duck) and Indian spot-billed duck