"Ryu Shrine" is the largest among Sumiyoshi-jinja Shirine (Tsukuda 1) precincts, and is known as "Ryujin-sama" and "Benten-sama".
In 1822 (1822), the god of water, Ryuhime Ogami (Toyotama Himekami), was founded on the grounds as Ryu Shrine. After that, a white snake appeared on Tsukuda Island, and the islanders built and worshiped Ryujin (Okami Okami) and Takashi, built a shrine in the town. The shrine is near a workshop where fishermen's nets are boiled in a Shibugama, and is susceptible to heat and is said to have been enshrined at Ryu Shrine in 1838 (1838). Furthermore, in 1839 (1839), Daibenzaiten, the guardian angel of the long-established Nihonbashi Shirakiya, was enshrined.
Today, Ryu Shrine and Daibenzaiten are collectively called "Ryuo Benzaiten", and they seem to be revered as a god who has the virtue of good luck, rising fortune, thriving business, fulfilling academic achievement, performing arts, and healing illness.
Every year on Sunday near the Snake Day in early April, Reisai Festival is held at the same time as the cherry blossoms bloom on the grounds.
This year, "Ryujinsha Reisai Festival" was held on Sunday, April 3 and "Sakura Festival" was held on April 2 and 3.
From 11:00 on April 3, the festival ceremony will be held strictly.
In addition to the Yoshino cherry tree, Genpei blooming bokeh and kaido (Hanakaido) are in full bloom.
The contrast between the pale pink of Yoshino cherry tree and the red of bokeh is wonderful.
In the precincts, amazake and soup powder are served.
From 11:30 on April 2, Sanken Taiko from Sumitomo Mitsui Construction Co., Ltd. was performed, and Tsukuda Junior High School Taiko Club was performed from 13:30 on April 3.