"Showa Stars and Idol Exhibition" is being held at the 7th floor gallery of the new building of Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Main Store.
At the venue, a single-record jacket of a popular song is displayed on the wall.
In addition, posters, photographs, pamphlets, music scores, magazines, costumes, etc. of the time were displayed, and memories of those days were revived.
I remembered Hibari Misora, Candies, Yuzo Kayama and Misanke (also the Shinsanke), Showa stars and idols, and I felt good to remember my life at that time.
The old Showa Kayo songs also flowed to the venue with images, and were immersed in the world of Showa.
CDs, DVDs, goods, etc. are also sold, and concerts and events are also held.
Like the "Yutaka Take Exhibition" being held in the main building, this was also a great crowd.
The period is from May 3 (Tuesday / holiday) to May 9 (Mon).
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