"Banzai Vino Kyobashi" is located on the first floor of Tokyo Square Garden in Kyobashi 3-chome, facing Kajibashi Street.
The concept is "a dish that can be enjoyed purely with wine" and lunch and dinner are OK.
We provide "delicious places" that satisfy curiosity with ideas that are not bound by Western and Japanese food.
This time, I ordered "Today's Lunch" from "Today's Lunch" and "Risotto of clams and raw seaweed".
It's an assortment of appetizers.
Next, I chose salads from salads, handmade focaccias, and cooked rice with clay pots.
"Risotto of mussels and raw seaweed"
The scent of raw seaweed shores, the chewy texture of mussels, and the retention of the core of risotto rice were exquisite.
Click here for the website of Banzai Vino Kyobashi. ⇒