When considering history and origin, what must never be done is to judge by "gochie", and you must not always lose the attitude of thinking at the beginning.
Mr. Yasaburo Ikeda said, "Osaka also has Nihonbashi and Kyobashi ... In the case of Osaka, it is a surprise that this is called Nipponbashi. In other words, in Edo, Nihonbashi was not called Nipponbashi, but Nihonbashi, I think it would be a proof that "Nihonbashi" was not originally (the name of Nihonbashi, Tokyo), but "Nihonbon." (56) is described.
Nihonbashi, Tokyo, which was replaced in 1618 (1618), was a wooden bridge with a length of about 67.8m and a width of 7.8m (page 118 of the Chuo-ku Monoshiri Encyclopedia), while Nihonbashi in Osaka was built on the Dotonbori River by Edo shogunate in 1619 (1619). It is a wooden bridge with a length of about 40m and a width of about 7m, and was the only official bridge in the Dotonbori River (Wikipedia). As Ikeda stated, in the Keicho era interview book, the size of the bridge that was replaced in 1618 is described, but there is no description of the size of the bridge before that (page 92 of "Nihonbashi Private Note"). This also makes a speculation that the previous one might have been quite poor.
Kogibashi is a bridge managed by the Shogunate and performs replacements and repairs at the expense of the Shogunate. In the case of Kogibashi, a bronze giboshi was attached. In the case of Edo, there were about 120 to 170 in the city, including 160 to 170 in addition to 4 and50 in the inside and outside of Edo Castle. However, according to a survey conducted in 1787 (1787), the number of public bridges in Osaka at that time was only 12. This can be said to indicate how large the creation of "Osaka, the capital of water" was due to the power of townspeople (Ryoichi Okamoto, "History of Osaka"; 60).
In this way, if one of the few public bridges in Osaka, which were built by the Shogunate in 1619 (one year after the rebuilding of the Tokyo Nihon Bridge), were called "Nipponbashi" from that time, It is highly probable that Tokyo's one was called "Nihonbashi" for a while from around the time (the 1603 theory is influential), it is quite persuasive Yasaburo above.
In the lyrics "Four Seasons of Rain" written by Ikeda, using the term "Nihonbashi" in the lyrics "Four Seasons of Rain" written by himself, "Osaka is Nipponbashi and Edo is Japanesebashi, Nihonbashi is a rational solution later, and in the old days it was Nihonbashi. Based on that, I tried it on purpose." (184)