The manga artist Shigeru Mizuki, known for his "Gegege no Kitaro" and "Devil-kun", died in 2015. In the morning drama, the turbulent life is well known, but in this exhibition, "A collection of works that show outstanding ability and message, such as childhood lessons, picture story show, book rental manga, original manga and materials during serialization of Shonen Magazines, are exhibited in one hall. We trace Mizuki's life's trajectory with the Yokai collection collected by traveling around the world "(From the exhibition brochure)
The first thing is the still life of oil paintings when I was in elementary school. "After all, if you make an effort, it will not be skillful." You can also see that a special article appeared in a local newspaper saying "Genius Boy Painter Appears". I liked "Kitaro" and "Devil-kun", so I looked around very nostalgic.
Mizuki, who is said to have lamented, "The darkness has decreased due to the light, and the place where youkai do is gone," is he having fun with youkai in that world? Even if you leave the venue, the theme song "Gegegegegegegegegege ge ..." is resounding.
"Gegege's Life" Exhibition Until March 20, Matsuya Ginza 8F Event Square
From 10:00 to 20:00 (until 17:00 on the last day) Entrance fee General 1000 yen