The cherry blossoms in Tokyo (Yoshino cherry tree) were announced on Tuesday, March 21 and were in full bloom on April 2 (Sunday).
This declaration of full bloom was one day earlier than normal and two days later than last year.
However, this declaration of "full bloom" is said to be issued when it is confirmed that more than 80% of the specimen trees on the precincts of Yasukuni Shrine (Chiyoda-ku) are blooming, and it is true that as of today (April 4) However, there are still flowers in buds.
Here, Kyobashi Park is a municipal park adjacent to Kyobashi Plaza, surrounded by buildings, creating a hideout atmosphere.
The cherry blossoms here are also in full bloom and are very beautiful.
Usually, at lunchtime, businessmen taking lunch on benches and resting are noticeable, but today people for cherry-blossom viewing gathered to see cherry blossoms and take pictures.
I'm lonely to think that this cherry blossoms in full bloom will be scattered by the rain this weekend.