The TV information program created by residents of the city, "From Chuo-ku here everyone's information station", which conveys the topic of Chuo-ku with images, broadcasts three times a day, once in a 10-minute program.
You can also see it on the Internet. We have opened our channel on YouTube.
Please enjoy familiar local information program of inhabitant of a ward production.
The title of the work in the May 2017 issue
①The rooftop of Ginza Hakuzuru-Tenku Farm-
②Chuo-ku Machikado Exhibition Hall
~ Shirakiya Nakamura Denbei Shoten
Members of the Association of Chuo-ku Media Reporters
●Broadcast date and time
3 times a day 10:20, 12:20, 20:20
Chuo-ku public information program "Hello Chuo-ku"
The broadcast will start 5 minutes after the end of the broadcast.
●Broadcast time 10 minutes each time
●TV station CATV "Tokyo Bay Net" 111ch
●Program update 1st of every month
●We have started online distribution.
Please search by the name of our association from YouTube.
@Akira Makibuchi