In the Edo period, there was a Nakayashiki of the Matsudaira family of the Echizen Fukui clan in the Shinkawa 1-2-chome area in Chuo-ku. The mansion faces the Sumida River, and moats were installed on the other three sides. This moat was called "Echizen moat" and became the old town name. A detailed explanation board is located in the brightened Echizenbori Children's Park, which is reopened this spring.
The revetment of this moat is masonry, with a width of 12 to 15 (about 20 to 30 m), and seems to have been used as a canal. The stones on this revetment are dug out during road construction and are displayed beside the road. It is a shape called machiishi. The surface of the stone is basically square, the back part is thin toward the tip of the square cone, and the gap is filled with stones and the like to make a retaining wall.
The following is an exhibition of Machiishi on the sidewalk in Chuo-ku.
Echizen moat trace (near Shinkawa 2-chome)
Related to Shiodome Site (Near Showa-dori, Ginza 8-chome)
Horidome River Ruins Related (Kobunacho)
These are inconspicuous exhibitions on the roadside, but are one of the fun exhibits of walking around Chuo-ku, where you can hide archeological sites such as moats and waterways from the Edo period.