Ningyocho was crowded with Kabuki, Joruri, and puppet shows during the Edo period. Ningyo-yaki Honpo Itakuraya (2-4-2 Ningyocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) has been keeping the traditional taste for more than a hundred years since its establishment. Originally known as "Yakimanju", it was loved by people who visited the play. Later, it is said that the first generation named it "Ningyo-yaki" after the name of Ningyocho.
The figure of Ningyo-yaki is the Seven Lucky Gods. It was a whole body image at the time of its founding, but now only faces are lined up. Hoteison, Benzaiten, Ebisu, Bishamon, Daikokuten, Jujin, Benzaiten, I can't see the faces of Fukurokuju. "Our doll ware is the six gods. We will become the Seven Lucky Gods together with our customers' smiles, "says the fourth generation, Yuta Fujii.
It is sold from one at the store, and you can also have freshly baked goods. From the crisp, fragrant skin, soft and plump bean paste looks into your face, and it is unique. I am surprised by the contrast of the texture. As the fourth generation said, "The taste of the next day is good," when you leave it for a day, the skin and bean paste blend in moistly, and you can enjoy a gentle taste again.
Since its establishment, we have been protecting hand-baked and examining the ingredients. The fine dough is made by adding sugar and honey to egg yolk and laying overnight, and the next morning, mixed with meringue-shaped egg white and flour. "By sleeping overnight, the coarse particles of sugar become softer." The bean paste is a blend of azuki varieties called Azuki and Shumari from Tokachi. In addition, there are "wartime ware" without bean paste, and sweets shaped like sweetfish, which is said to be a clean and happy fish from living in the clear stream.
Ningyo-yaki was born in Ningyocho. I'd like you to appreciate Seven Lucky Gods's face.