Lottery (Futtsu, Futtomi, Tomi) was a popular event during the Bunka Bunsei period (1804-30). In Chuo-ku, it seems that it was also performed at Shirahata Inari (Honishi-cho), Fukutoku Inari (Muromachi), Sugimori Inari (Horidome-cho), Yagenbori Fudoin (Higashinihombashi), Kayabacho Yakushi, Masaru Shinkawa Jingu Shrine, etc. (Refer to the website of cultural properties in Chuo-ku, Fukutoku Shrine lottery website). The price of the wealth bill was about 1 minute to 2 vermilion per sheet. Assuming that one car is about 100,000 yen, one piece is about 100,000 to 30,000, which is quite high. Due to the human heart and internal fraud, the lottery performance was banned due to the reform of the Tempo (1842), but in rakugo, "Yushima Tenjin" and "Sugimori Shrine" were the main stages, and people in the lottery The movement of the people was Heisei vaudeville, hall...It has been handed over to Koza of Rakugokai.
↓<Chisenin Kayabacho Yakushi> ↓ <Masaru Shinkawa Jingu Shrine> ↓ <Shirohata Shrine>
↓<Sugimori Shrine-Betta City Day before-> ↓ This is a summary of the two seats of Tomi Rakugo.
The third generation Kosan (1857-1930) brought back from Osaka, "The wealth of the inn" ... A poor man stayed in a dirty Hatago in Bakurocho. "One of the wealth bills of Sugimori Shrine, which is doing as a side job, is unsold." "I don't want to increase more money, but it's okay." Thousands of wealth hit it! ・・ ・ ・ The owner of the poor inn was wearing clogs when he took off his futon to celebrate....Yeah. (Laughing)
grand shrine's household miniature shrine, who is said to have been made from the true story of the first Encho (1839-1900) into rakugo. --a short---a fire burns Kuzo's house. Passing through Sugimori Shrine, the voice of "No. 1500 cranes". "Oh, I won!" Hisashi, I graduated. You don't have a win tag! On the way home, the head of the Tobi, "I'm an entertainer. It's a great shrine. I'm at home." "Why, thief! "I'm a lucky man." "Hey, this is also thanks to Mr. Oga Shrine. I'll pay you to the neighborhood."...It's a story rich in humanity. // Makuhaku