"Kanhizakura" (Kanhizakura) planted on the "Sakura promenade" along the Harumi Triton Square Asashio Canal blooms.
Also known as "Hikanzakura (Hikanzakura)".
It is said to be a warm cherry tree native to Taiwan and southern China, and its petals, calyx cylinders, and sepals are bright scarlet, and the bell-shaped flowers are cut down and filled with twigs, and it has a unique appearance.
As the name suggests, the flower colors like scarlet peach or red plum, which begin to bloom in the cold spring, are eye-catching.
At the same time, the petals are not scattered, and it is a bit different from the ephemeral Yoshino cherry tree.
Even though the peach festival has passed and the temperature is still repeated, I feel the warmth steadily in the sunlight.