"Unemebashi" is a bridge where Miyuki-dori, which runs on the border between Ginza 5-chome and 6-chome, crosses the Metropolitan Expressway between Tsukiji 4-chome.
In Nishizume of this bridge, there is "Tsukiji River Saijobashi Park" (map below, pink). It is Shimbashi Enbujo, which is adjacent to each other.
If you look at Samebashi Park from the opposite bank of the Saimebashi Bridge over the Metropolitan Expressway, you can see a huge white flower tree (pictured below, red arrow) in full bloom at this time (March 19).
The flowering season was earlier than Yoshino cherry tree, and I was wondering what that tree was, not cherry like cherry blossoms.
I wanted to know the name, so I visited the "Water and Green Section" in the Chuo-ku government office and contacted the person in charge directly.
Then, I was kindly examined and taught me clearly.
It was a spider
Smomo is native to China, and in China, it has been loved since ancient times as a representative flower of spring along with peach. It is said that he came to Japan during the Nara period.
The book says, "Before the development of the leaves, white five-petaled flowers are attached, and the flowering period is just before" Ume "is over and" Sakura "is about to bloom." was exactly the same.
Oh, the haze was refreshed.
The white plum flowers of the plums at Tsukiji River Saijobashi Park are very beautiful.