September 1 is the day of disaster prevention.
The Great Kanto Earthquake occurred at 11:58 on September 1, 1923, and on 210 days from the beginning of spring, many typhoons have been hit since ancient times. In order to raise awareness of disasters such as typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis, and earthquakes, as well as related organizations, as well as related organizations, to prepare for and raise awareness of disasters such as typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis, earthquakes, and prepare for raising awareness.
In the Tokyo Sky Tree, special white lighting is lit.
The skeleton that emits a simple white glow unlike usual, seen from Chuo-ohashi Bridge over Eitai Bridge.
This year's disaster prevention day, when Hokuriku and Tohoku were hit by heavy rain. You will be reminded of the need to check and confirm the preparation for normal times.