October 16th is Green Ribbon Day.
The Green Ribbon Campaign is a promotion activity that began in the United States in the 1980s and spread worldwide, and a green ribbon, which means growth and new life, has been selected as a symbol of message transmission.
It is said that it expresses the connection between the donor and the recipient's life, which is connected by "Gift of life" (gift of life).
With the enforcement of the Organ Transplant Law on October 16, 1997, the Green Ribbon Campaign is rolled out throughout the country as the “Organ Transplant Promotion Month” every October to understand and cooperate with transplant medicine. Spread and enlightenment activities are being carried out.
On October 16 of Green Ribbon Day, landmarks from all over the country, including Tokyo Tower, will be lit up in green, and a message of the campaign will be sent.
From the Sumida River Terrace in Kachidoki, you can see the Tokyo Tower, which shines pure green over Tsukiji Ohashi.