The "Tori-no-ichi Fair" is held on November Rooster Day, an annual annual event for the New Year, which has continued since the Edo period.
On November 1st, the first rooster was held at Tsukiji and Namiwa Inari Shrine. This year, there are up to the second rooster (November 13) and the third rooster (November 25).
On the day of the event, lucky items in kumade will be sold on the grounds, and at the shrine, good luck for good luck and good luck for business kumade amulet "Kokome" will be awarded.
kumade is said to have become wishing for prosperity, a thriving business and a safe lucky items, because it leads to "sweeping" and "sweeping" of fortune and treasure.
It is supposed to enjoy the spirit of the spirit and buy it, and after the business negotiations are concluded, the bustle of the chanshan and the powerful hand tightening echoes is a feature of the end of the year.