Tojotei, the younger brother of Yoshinobu, the 15th shogun of Edo shogunate, known for his writings on the nameplate of Nihonbashi, is located in Matsudo City, the 18th son of Mito feudal lord Nariaki Tokugawa and the mansion of Akitake Tokugawa. The only residence of the Tokugawa family in Meiji period is open to the public in Japan. I went to a house and garden surrounded by colored leaves.
At the age of 13, Akitake was given the status of a general candidate and was greeted by a general family. In 1867, he was dispatched to the Paris World Exposition as a general representative. In order to overcome the plight of the Shogunate in cooperation with France, Akitake visited five countries other than France, interacted with the heads of each country, and was introduced in a British newspaper as "Prince Tokugawa". . Among the missions who traveled to Europe together at this time, there were people who learned a lot from Western civilization, such as Eiichi Shibusawa, Yuzuru Sugiura, Ryoun Takamura, and Shuntaro Hoshina, who opened Japan's first bank in Nihonbashikabutocho, who worked hard to modernize Japan. In Japan, while the party was in France, the Shogunate broke down, and Akitake returned to Japan to become the last Mito feudal lord, the first governor of the Mito clan. The 16th general became a illusion.
A detailed article about Eiichi Shibusawa is written by correspondent Hanes.
After that, Akitake moved to this Todate residence and lived in Meiji period while fulfilling his sometimes responsibilities as a former Shogunate family. He has many hobbies such as hunting, river fishing, pottery, photography, etc. Among them, architecture and gardening were highly evaluated, and Todate House was recognized as a nationally designated important cultural property, and gardens were recognized as nationally designated scenic spots.
From the garden on a small hill, it seems that you could see the Edogawa River and Mount Fuji at that time, and his close brother, Yoshinobu, also visited. The history museum on the same site is decorated with letters, furnishings, and goods from the Tokugawa family. I remember the quiet Meiji period of the Tokugawa family who left the seat of power.
Matsudo City Todate History Museum 714-1 Matsudo, Matsudo, Matsudo, Matsudo Tel.047-362-2050
Admission time 9: 30a.m to 4: 30p.m Closed Monday