Matsushima Shrine, one of Nihonbashi Seven Lucky Gods, is located in Nihonbashi Ningyocho, where great power gods are enshrined. According to Monoshiri Encyclopedia in Chuo-ku, "At the time of its foundation, the surrounding area was Kojima in the inlet, and the pine was overgrown in Shimauchi, so it was named."
However, the torii gate says "Matsushima Shrine", which is the correct one of "island" or "shima"? I don't think it is.
When I looked for a material using "Shima", I found it! The "Kanpo gu ticket map" created in 1744 (Kanbo 4) is published in the Chuo-ku Board of Education, Tokyo, "Chuo-ku Historical Map (Nihonbashi Edition)" and the place name of "Matsushima-cho" is written. Was.
In terms of origin, it is an "island", but "shima" was sometimes used, so should you understand it?
It's fun to see old maps.