Last month, when a new chicken was added to my home and two, I went through the procedure for changing the name of their pedigree.
The name will be changed from Mr. breeder.
My dog is a dog breed called Shetland Seapdog, and has a ped
igree issued by the Japan Collie Club (6-1-10 Tsukiji US Building 5F), so I asked the club to do so.
This is a procedure in which you give a transfer certificate and lineage certificate from the breeder and have the name of the new owner (I) listed on the back of the lineage card. I took it directly, but it is also possible to send it by mail.
The Japan Collie Club (map above, red spot) located right next to Tsukiji Honganji 6-chome, Tsukiji Honganji, was introduced in this blog before.
Founded in 1953, the Japan Colli Club is a nationwide organization where people who love Colli dog breeds (Rafcory, Smooth Cory, Shetland Seapdog, Border Cory) gather, and maintain, improve, breed, disseminate, and promote the correct lineage of Colli dog breeds, and issue various pedigree certificates and hold exhibitions (business shows) and hold exhibitions (business events from club events and training programs for the same event shows) for the purpose of the purpose of fellowship among members.
By the way, next year is the year of the dog, but it seems that there are plans for some special events because the Japan Collie Club will also celebrate its 65th anniversary ().
This time, the staff of the Japan Colli Club taught me various procedures.
Thank you very much
Click here for a blog post on the move of the Japan Collie Club in January 2017. ⇒
Click here for the website of Japan Collie Club. ⇒