Resurrection Light Up
The Eitai Bridge Light Up has been revived.
The photo above was taken from Toyomi Bridge.
It was Friday, January 24 that I noticed the light up, but when I crossed Toyomi Bridge from Hakozaki to Shinkawa and came beside Eitai Bridge, some people stopped and took pictures.
What was different from before the construction is that the railing of the bridge and under the bridge were also lit up, and it is difficult to understand from here, but the structure of Eitai Bridge became vividly understood.
At first, it was doubtful why the bridge was lit up under the bridge, but you can clearly see if you leave the bridge a little.
The photo overlaps with the previous time, but please look at the current state before and after construction.
This is before construction.
Construction of the Tsukishima River water gate
The Tsukishima River water gate construction has been shaped like a slope. It will be completed at the end of next month (February).