Satsuki's carp streamer

Eitai Bridge is not lit up

It is Eitai Bridge, which was completed the construction posted last time, but there is no lighting up at night.

I walked near Shinkawa Park Eitai Bridge, but it is not lit up, so please be careful if you come for the purpose of night view.

The night I took this picture

"I've come here to enjoy the night view of Eitai Bridge, but isn't it lit up?"

There was a person who asked me


 Eitai Bridge is not lit up

Before the construction, it was lit up beautifully like this, but it remains dark from the end of construction until tonight (2019/12/20).

Kiyosu Bridge construction

Kiyosu Bridge Construction Eitai Bridge Not Light Up

On the other hand, the construction of Kiyosu Bridge has been completed and some temporary scaffolds remain, but you can see a beautiful bridge.
I don't know what this is because I don't go there at night. I'll let you know next time.

 Eitai Bridge is not lit up

This is a picture of a year ago.

You can see the silhouette of the suspension bridge even during construction.

Tsukishima River Suimon Slope

Tsukishima River Suimon Slope Eitai Bridge Not Light Up

Another thing, the Tsukishima River Suimon Slope, which I am looking forward to, is the foundation work and I am looking forward to the future progress.

 Eitai Bridge is not lit up

The construction behind Nakano Bridge is Kachidokibashi.

This will also inform you of the progress of the construction.