
Japanese iris shines in the rainy season sky 2020

 Japanese iris shines in the rainy season sky 2020

 On June 11, the Japan Meteorological Agency announced that the Kanto Koshin region is likely to have entered the rainy season, and the rainy season has finally arrived. 3 days later than normal and 4 days later than last year. On this day, from the overcast cloudy sky, the sun occasionally leaked, warm and humid wind blowed from the south toward the northward seasonal rain front, covered with sultry air.

At the Hamarikyu Onshi Garden, Japanese iris is at its best when we hear that about 1,000 plants are planted in three places near Hanakien, the ruins of Yan Liao Hall, and the middle gate.  Hanashobu is a perennial plant of the iris family, and is one of the Japanese classical horticultural plants that have been bred and improved based on wild Nohanashobu, and many varieties have been produced. It is often confused with taro shobu, but Japanese iris is also referred to as iris flowers and shobu is also referred to as iris grass. In general, in addition to the Cho Igo species, which strongly retains the characteristics of ancestor, the Edo, Ise, and Higo varieties, the flower color is purple, red purple, light red, yellow, and white. In the way of blooming, three petals are prominent, three-ei blooms, six-ei blooms, six-ei blooms, and double-flowered.   Moist and calm flower color shines under the rain clouds and gives a refreshing feeling of a moment.      On June 12, the Tokyo version of the Covid-19 Monitoring Service, which allows users to be notified of infection information based on their visit history when the cluster in COVID-19 infection occurs.