
Chuo-ku "Bridge Tour"⑩

This time, "Miyoshi Bridge" is located under the knees of Chuo-ku, in front of Chuo-ku government office. In a complicated form. It's hard to capture the whole thing. From the top, you can see that three arrows extend radially from the center of the circle. The streetlights are also nice and tasteful. The construction was quite old in 1929. There is also an inscription, and there is also a passage from Yukio Mishima's "Bridge Tsukushi" where this bridge also appears. Although it is now reclaimed, the Tsukiji River, Kaede River, etc. flow, and the old times when the waterways were substantial are allowed. It's a good idea to watch it slowly when you go to the ward office.

 Chuo-ku "Bridge Tour"⑩
 Chuo-ku "Bridge Tour"⑩