Tokiwa Bridge has been selected as a civil engineering heritage by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers!
Tokiwa Bridge over Nihonbashi River was selected as one of the "Reiwa 2nd Year Encouraged Civil Engineering Heritage" selected by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Otemachi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku-ku-1-chome Nihonbashi Honishi-cho, Chuo-ku. The completion year was 1926 (Daisho 15). Please refer to this article I wrote earlier about civil engineering heritage selected by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers.
Civil engineering heritage selected by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers in Chuo-ku
"Tokiwa Bridge was erected after the Great Kanto Earthquake, and is a double arch bridge that plays an important role in the history of modern bridges in Japan, especially in small and medium-sized rivers in Tokyo."
Tokiwa Bridge, a civil engineering heritage selected for Reiwa 2nd year
By the way, this one upstream bridge is Jobanbashi, the oldest existing stone bridge in Tokyo. The restoration work from the influence of Great East Japan Earthquake seemed to be near the end of the year.