
Color of Wake Tsukiji

The 8th of the moon (December) is the day when the Buddha was enlightened. The hokai held to commemorate this day is called the Seidokai.

By the way, a little earlier, I visited Tsukiji Honganji Temple and received a commemorative card. The motif is lotus petals.

 Color of Wake Tsukiji

The design changes once a month and a limited number will be distributed.
This year, we gathered 12 colorful pieces.

 Color of Wake Tsukiji

At Enshoji Temple in Koin, Hakuwasuke was blooming modestly this year.

It is a valuable piece that conveys the scenery of the days when it was temple town.

◆Tsukiji Honganji
 3-15-1, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

◆Tengosan Enshoji Temple
 4-12-9, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo