The forest where the Hatsune Spring Birds sound
Hatsune Mori Shrine. It is said that it was built in the former Bakuro-cho Hatsunenomori at the end of the Kamakura period.
The original enshrined place (now Higashi-Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku) has a forest with many uglys, and it is said that the origin of the old place name and company name were called Hatsune because of the sound of this ugly echoing.
Due to the great fire of the Meiryaku era, it was relocated to Chitose, Sumida-ku in 1659.
(Poted in October 2020)
In 1948, a branch office was built in Higashinihombashi, part of the historic site. There is a ritual hall.
(Shooted in December 2015)
When I hear the voice of the ugly, I feel the coming of spring. The first sounding day of the ugly is about February 20 at the earliest on average, and in Tokyo it seems to be around March 6. (according to the Japan Meteorological Agency)
◆Famous Places Edo Hundred Views Bakurocho Hatsune Baba
From the Digital Collection of the National Diet Library
◆Hatsune Mori Shrine
Head Office: 2-4-8, Chitose, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
Ceremony hall: 2-27-9, Higashinihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo